We all have a preferred route or short cut that we take every day. Each time we ride in a passenger seat we “help” the driver by advising on the short cuts and thru streets. So its an initial instinct to help navigate your limousine driver in and out of your neighborhood. Over the years, we have had a number of customers who insisted on directing the limousine chauffeur down a specific route. We also had the customers who called and complained that the limousine drive did not know where he was going and the customer had to get involved because he/she did not like the route the limousine driver was following.
All limousines come with standard Garmin GPS that allows driver to handle limo navigation. Chauffeurs are instructed to follow the GPS directions as they provide the most efficient route to the desired destination. Two to three days prior to your reservation, our office representative will call you to confirm your itinerary. This allows us to locate the correct address for all your stops and map out the itinerary. Prior to departure, the driver enters all the addresses into the GPS.
So next time you are tempted to advise your chauffeur which street to take, please keep in mind:
- Limousine ride is an experience in itself. The passenger area is designed in a way as to create a fun atmosphere for the guests: changing colorful neon lighting, mirrored ceilings, surround sound system, etc. Relax and enjoy yourself, let the chauffeur handle the limo navigation thru the congestion and traffic.
- Limousines are large vehicles and make wide turns, therefore some streets might not be acceptable and safe
- Unlike taxis, that charge per mile driven, limousine service is arranged on the hourly rental base. Our chauffeurs will advise you of the time to ensure you have arrived safely back to your drop of point within the originally discussed time frame.
- AFA limousine service covers Central North Carolina with its hundreds of towns and thousands of streets and drives. Our chauffeurs are generally very well acquainted with major roads and highways. In case they find themselves in the unfamiliar environment they will rely on the GPS to help them navigate.