Why did I get charged for my souvenir? (Limousine Service fees)


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Let me start by saying that we do not provide souvenir glassware! Our limousines come stocked with glasses and champagne flutes for your use. They are a part of the vehicle just like tires, stereo and seats! Glassware adds a certain touch to the interior of the limousine. Various colored napkins folded in certain patterns create a nice backdrop for the bar. So please leave all the glassware in the limousine at the end of your service.

It would not be acceptable to walk out of the restaurant with a plate that you fancied or a champagne flute that you find attractive. You will be charged if you leave the hotel room with a fancy dawn pillow. The reason businesses charge consumers is because all those items cost money to purchase. At $5.00 apiece, restocking limousine after each rental can become very expensive very fast.

So please respect our vehicles and help us keep them in excellent shape.

Besides, the next day you would not care too much about the plain glass flute you took as a souvenir.

limousine service fees

(limousine service fees)


One comment on “Why did I get charged for my souvenir? (Limousine Service fees)

  • Thanks for explaining the importance of not taking the glassware with you after your limousine service.. If a limo service has to pay for new glassware each time a new customer uses the service, it would become rather expensive.


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